
My Heart is in the East

10-Sep / 0 COMMENTS

Starting rehearsals on this beautiful Ladino music programme this week- “My Heart is in the East” with the

La Voz Humana ensemble.

The name of the programme is taken from the iconic poem by Yehuda Ha’Levi. The poem feels as complicated today as it probably was when it was written. Living with the complexity of missing a place that was always broken, leading a normal life far away while your birth place is at a never ending war, calculating if it’s safe to travel back to say your final goodbye to loved ones who passed… Yikes!, sometimes I wish art wasn’t so relevant…


My Heart is in the East and I am at the Edge of the West.
How could I taste what I eat and even enjoy it?
How will I fulfill my Vows and Pledges while Zion is in the domain of Edom and I am in the bonds of Arabis?
It will be easier to leave the Good of Spain,
As it will be precious to see the dust of the ruined shrines.

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