Michal Bitan
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Michal Bitan’s musical flexibility is informed by a kaleidoscope of interests. From rhetoric and historical theater, through filming, to the construction of historical garments, these art forms instruct her decision making to form a miniature theater experience in each performance.
Since making her debut with the New Israeli Opera as 1st Child of Mozart in Die Zauberflöte, , she has come to specialize in the works of the late French, Italian and German 18th century masters, as well as historical acting. Further training has based her in Europe, where she completed Bachelor and Masters Studies in early music at the Royal Conservatoire Den Haag.
Michal sang the roles of Dorinda (G.F.Handel: Orlando) at Theater Aachen, Königin der Nacht (W.A.Mozart: Die Zauberflöte) with the Lüneburger Symphoniker, Armide (Lully), Queen Orasia (Telemann: Orpheus), Vespetta (Telemann: Pimpinone) and Mrs. Ford (Salieri: Falstaff) at the Royal theater The Hague.
Michal collaborates as a singer- actress with various ensembles and orchestras, such as Musica Poëtica, with whom she portrayed the roles of Ariadne (G. Benda: Ariadne auf Naxos) and Portia (Shakespear: The merchant of Venice), and La Voz Humana. She is the artistic director of the ensemble A Dialogue on a Kiss, since 2010.
Michal Bitan hat sich durch ihre musikalische Flexibilität als eine einfühlsame Interpretin verschiedenster Stilrichtungen vom Barock bis zum 21. Jahrhundert etabliert. Seit ihrem Debüt mit der New Israeli Opera als 1. Knabe in Mozarts Die Zauberflöte hat die in Jerusalem geborene Sängerin sich auf Werke der französischen, italienischen und deutschen Meister des späten 18. Jahrhunderts, sowie auf historische Schauspielpraxis spezialisiert. Ihre weitere Ausbildung führte sie nach Europa, wo sie ein Bachelor- sowie ein Masterstudium mit Hauptfach Gesang (Oper und alte Musik) am Koninklijk Conservatorium Den Haag absolvierte.
Michal Bitan hat schon zahlreiche Opernrollen gesungen, wie zum Beispiel Olympia (J.Offenbach: Hoffmanns Erzählungen) mit dem Broadcasting Authority (IBA) Symphony Orchestra Israel, Le feu und Le rossignol (M.Ravel: L'enfant et les sortileges) mit dem Orchestra of the Jerusalem Academy, Dorinda (G.F.Handel: Orlando) am Theater Aachen, Armide (Lully) und Mrs. Ford (Salieri: Falstaff) am Königlichen Theater Den Haag, und Die Königin der Nacht (W.A.Mozart: Die Zauberflöte) mit den Lüneburger Symphonikern.
Michal arbeitet als Sängerin und Schauspielerin mit diversen Ensembles und Orchestern zusammen, wie zum Beispiel "Musica Poëtica" und "La Voz Humana". Sie ist aktives Mitglied der Amsterdam Historical Acting Collective, und künstlerische Leiterin des Ensembles "A Dialogue on a Kiss", mit dem sie 2016 die CD "Tis now dead Night" aufnahm.
L’Europe Galante: Cephise
Médée: Dircé
2nd Lady
The tender land: Laurie
Don Pasquale: Norina
Linda di Chamounix: Linda
Anne Frank: Anne
Alcina: Alcina
Giulio Cesare in Egitto: Cleopatra
Orlando: Dorinda
L'incoronazione di Poppea: Fortuna
L’Orfeo: La Musica
Cosi fan tutte: Fiordiligi
Die Entführung aus dem Serail: Konstanze
Die Zauberflöte: Könnigin der Nacht
1st child
Le nozze di Figaro: Susanna
Les contes d'Hoffmann: Olympia
La Bohème: Musetta
Dido and Aeneas: Belinda
L'enfant et les sortileges: Le feu & Le rossignol
Semiramide: Semiramide
Falstaff: Mrs. Ford
Orpheus: Orasia
Pimpinone: Vespetta
Griselda: Costanza
Johannes Passion BWV 245
Matthäus passion BWV 224
Weihnachts Oratorium BWV 248
Coffee Cantata BWV 211
Cantata BWV 14
Cantata BWV 32
Cantata BWV 42
Cantata BWV 52
Cantata BWV 61
Cantata BWV 84
Cantata BWV 140
Cantata BWV 151
Cantata BWV 199
Ariadne auf Naxos: Ariadne
Le Caffé
Les heureux epoux
Messe de Minuit
Assumpta est Maria
L'Amour Piqué par une Abeille
Songs of Mourning
Leçons de ténèbres
Rothko Chapel
Debora: Yael
Theodora: Theodora
Delirio amoroso
Nel dolce del oblio
Der Baßgeiger zu Wörgl MH 205
Requiem in D minor
Mass in C minor
Brockes Passion: Gläubige Seele, Maria, 3rd Magd.
Cantata Auf Rugate
Amor hai vinto
Magnificat in D
September 2023
Filosofen in de Muziek
Musica Poëtica o.l.v. Jörn Boysen
Michal Bitan, Soprano
João Luis Paixão, Baritone
September 8, 11:00, Koninklijke Schouwburg, Den Haag
November 2023
De basviolist in Wörgl
Commedia del'Arte van Michael Haydn
Musica Poëtica o.l.v. Jörn Boysen
Michal Bitan, Soprano
Iris Bouman, Mezzo-Soprano
João Luis Paixão, Baritone
Rachel Farr, Dance
Katja Pitelina, Transverse Flute
Giorgos Samoilis, Violin
Cecilia Baesso, Violin
María Sánchez Ramírez, Cello
November 26, 11:00, Koninklijke Schouwburg, Den Haag
April 2024
Paradise Lost
Musica Poëtica o.l.v. Jörn Boysen
Michal Bitan, Soprano
João Luis Paixão, Baritone
Katja Pitelina, Transverse Flute
Giorgos Samoilis, Violin
Cecilia Baesso, Violin
María Sánchez Ramírez, Cello
November 26, 11:00, Koninklijke Schouwburg, Den Haag
June 2024
Double Espresso
Musica Poëtica o.l.v. Jörn Boysen
Michal Bitan, Soprano
João Luis Paixão, Baritone
Katja Pitelina, Transverse Flute
Giorgos Samoilis, Violin
Cecilia Baesso, Violin
María Sánchez Ramírez, Cello
November 26, 11:00, Koninklijke Schouwburg, Den Haag
November 2022
De basviolist in Wörgl
Commedia del'Arte van Michael Haydn
Musica Poëtica o.l.v. Jörn Boysen
Michal Bitan, Soprano
Iris Bouman, Mezzo-Soprano
João Luis Paixão, Baritone
Rachel Farr, Dance
Katja Pitelina, Transverse Flute
Giorgos Samoilis, Violin
Cecilia Baesso, Violin
María Sánchez Ramírez, Cello
November 6, 11:00, Koninklijke Schouwburg, Den Haag
October 2022
Songs of Hope
The musical story of the immigrant communities
in 17th century Amsterdam
Ensemble La Voz Humana
Michal Bitan, Soprano
Galit Zadok, Recorder & dulcian
Saartje Schrage, Viola da Gamba & Recorder
Julie Stalder, Treble Viol & Viola da Gamba
Punto Bawono, Baroque guitar
October 2, 17:00, Diensten Centrum Copernicus
Octoberber 9, 15:00, Keerpunt Klassiek, Spijkerboor, Drenthe
January 2023
"Romans, Countrymen, and Lovers"
muziek van Händel & Caldara
Musica Poëtica o.l.v. Jörn Boysen
Michal Bitan, Soprano
João Luis Paixão, Baritone
Rachel Farr, Dance
Katja Pitelina, Transverse Flute
Giorgos Samoilis, Violin
Cecilia Baesso, Violin
María Sánchez Ramírez, Cello
January 15, 11:00, Koninklijke Schouwburg, Den Haag
May 2022
„Zelfs de waarheid kan liegen“
Muziek van Monteverdi, Carissimi & Caldara, en poëzie van Milton & Shakespeare
Musica Poëtica o.l.v. Jörn Boysen
Michal Bitan, Soprano
Iris Bouman, Mezzo-Soprano
João Luis Paixão, Baritone
Rachel Farr, Dance
Katja Pitelina, Transverse Flute
Giorgos Samoilis, Violin
Cecilia Baesso, Violin
María Sánchez Ramírez, Cello
May 14, 11:00, Koninklijke Schouwburg, Den Haag
May 2022
Filosofen in de Muziek
Musica Poëtica o.l.v. Jörn Boysen
Michal Bitan, Soprano
João Luis Paixão, Baritone
May 15, 11:00, Koninklijke Schouwburg, Den Haag
March 2022
J.S.Bach BWV 244
Matthäus Passion
Cantus Kamerkoor, Orion Barok, Kindsingers
o.l.v. Sietse van Wijgerden
Michal Bitan, Soprano
March 26, 19:30, Grote Kerk, Vianen
February 2022
Ariadne auf Naxos
Melodrama van Georg Benda
Musica Poëtica o.l.v. Jörn Boysen
Michal Bitan, Soprano
João Luis Paixão, Baritone
February 27, 11:00, Koninklijke Schouwburg, Den Haag
November 2021
O Solitude!
Fragments of isolation
met muziek van Monteverdi en Purcell
Musica Poëtica o.l.v. Jörn Boysen
Michal Bitan, Soprano
João Luis Paixão, Baritone
November 21, 11:00, Koninklijke Schouwburg, Den Haag
J.S.Bach BWV 49
"Ich geh und suche mit verlangen."
Orion Barok o.l.v. Sietse van Wijgerden
Michal Bitan, Soprano
November 14, Hervormd kerk, Sleeuwijk
September 2021
Ravenscroft & Blow
"The heavens and the firmament"
Musica Poëtica o.l.v. Jörn Boysen
Michal Bitan, Soprano
João Luis Paixão, Baritone
September 26, 10.30, Maranathakerk, Den Haag
Songs of Hope
The musical story of the immigrant communities
in 17th century Amsterdam
Ensemble La Voz Humana
Michal Bitan, Soprano
Ana Vasić, Baroque violin
Galit Zadok, Recorder & dulcian
Valeria Sanchez, Violone
Punto Bawono, Baroque guitar
September 5, 16:30, Luther Museum, Amsterdam
September 18, 12:30, 13:30, 15:30, & 16:30, Jean Pesijnhof, Leiden
August 2021
Quarantaine Eiland
Musical journey on location @ the Port of Rotterdam
Muzikale leiding: Hernán Schvartzman
Regie: Davy Pieters
Dramaturgie: Tobias Kokkelmans
Kostuums: Sara Hakkenberg
August 25-29, Quarantaineterrein Heijplaat, Rotterdam
May 2019
Theatrale cantate Enée et Didon
met balets en instrumentale muziek van Leclair en Barrière
Musica Poëtica o.l.v. Jörn Boysen
Michal Bitan, Soprano
João Luis Paixão, Baritone
May 12, 11:00, Koninklijke Schouwburg, Den Haag
February 2019
Double Espresso
Bach: Schweigt stille, plaudert nicht, BWV 211
Nicolas Bernier: Le Caffé
Musica Poëtica o.l.v. Jörn Boysen
Michal Bitan, Soprano
João Luis Paixão, Baritone
February 3, 11:00, Koninklijke Schouwburg, Den Haag
December 2018
Melodrama: Ariadne auf Naxos
Composer: G. Benda
Libretto: J. C. Brandes
Musica Poëtica o.l.v. Jörn Boysen
Michal Bitan, Ariadne
João Luis Paixão, Theseus
December 9, Lutherse Kerk, Groningen
Lutherse Kerstmis
J.S. Bach: BWV 243a Magnificat in Es
Michal Bitan, Sopraan
Choir and Orchestra of the Domcantorij, Domkerk, Utrecht
o.l.v. Remco de Graas
Deceember 24, Domkerk, Utrecht
November 2018
Melodrama: Ariadne auf Naxos
Composer: G. Benda
Libretto: J. C. Brandes
Musica Poëtica o.l.v. Jörn Boysen
Michal Bitan, Ariadne
João Luis Paixão, Theseus
November 4, 11.00, Koninklijk Schouwburg, The Hague
J.S. Bach: BWV 140, BWV 61
Michal Bitan, Sopraan
Choir and Orchestra of the Domcantorij, Domkerk, Utrecht
o.l.v. Remco de Graas
September 2018
Missa: Assumpta est Maria
Michal Bitan, Sopraan
Choir and Orchestra of the Domcantorij, Domkerk, Utrecht
o.l.v. Remco de Graas
September 15, Domkerk, Utrecht
'Tis now dead Night' @ Hofboerderij Concerten
A Dialogue on a Kiss early music ensemble
Michal Bitan, soprano
Earl Christy, lute
September 23, 12.00, Hofboerderij, Wateringen
August 2018
Summer Academy for Historical Acting
August 13-23, Universiteit Leiden, Leiden
June 2018
Project Amerikaanse Muziek (II)
Leonard Bernstein & Morton Feldman
Michal Bitan, Sopraan
Francesco Giusti, Countertenor
Lorena Garcia Fernandez, Viola
Paul van Roemburg, Celesta
Maarten van den Bijlaard & Herman Hakewijn, Slagwerk
Jan Hage, Orgel
Choir and Orchestra of the Domcantorij, Domkerk, Utrecht
o.l.v. Remco de Graas
June 9, Domkerk, Utrecht
J.S. Bach & J. H. Rolle
Musica Poëtica o.l.v. Jörn Boysen
June 17, Maranathakerk, The Hague
April 2018
'Tis now dead Night' @ Dolce & Soave concerten
A Dialogue on a Kiss early music ensemble
Michal Bitan, soprano
Earl Christy, lute
April 22, 14.00, Adventskerk, Zoetermeer
March 2018
F. Couperin: Leçons de ténèbres
Michal Bitan & Mariana Pimenta, soprano
Marit Broekroeloft, viola da Gamba
Jan Hage, Orgel
March 24, Domkerk, Utrecht
J.S. Bach: Matthäus Passion BWV 244
Choir and Orchestra of the Domcantorij, Domkerk, Utrecht
o.l.v. Remco de Graas
March 17, Domkerk, Utrecht
February 2018
'Tis now dead Night' @ Maranathakerk, The Hague
A Dialogue on a Kiss early music ensemble
Michal Bitan, soprano
Earl Christy, lute
February 25, 17.00, Maranathakerk, The Hague
'Tis now dead Night' @ Musica Antica da Camera
A Dialogue on a Kiss early music ensemble
Michal Bitan, soprano
Earl Christy, lute
February 15, , Paleiskerk, The Hague
Melodrama: Ariadne auf Naxos
Composer: G. Benda
Libretto: J. C. Brandes
Musica Poëtica o.l.v. Jörn Boysen
Michal Bitan, Ariadne
João Luis Paixão, Theseus
February 2, Pro Rege, Rotterdam
January 2018
Fiddler on the roof @ Theater Aachen
Music: Jerry Bock
Conductor: Justus Thorau
Stage Director: Ewa Teilmans
Set and costume: Andreas Becker
Choreography: Hakan T. Aslan
Dramaturgy: Michael Schmitz-Aufterbeck
Role: Chava
January 7, Theater Aachen, Aachen
Melodrama: Ariadne auf Naxos
Composer: G. Benda
Libretto: J. C. Brandes
Musica Poëtica o.l.v. Jörn Boysen
Michal Bitan, Ariadne
João Luis Paixão, Theseus
January 21, Koninklijke Schouwburg, Den Haag
December 2017
Fiddler on the roof @ Theater Aachen
Music: Jerry Bock
Conductor: Justus Thorau
Stage Director: Ewa Teilmans
Set and costume: Andreas Becker
Choreography: Hakan T. Aslan
Dramaturgy: Michael Schmitz-Aufterbeck
Role: Chava
December 21, Theater Aachen, Aachen
December 27, Theater Aachen, Aachen
November 2017
Fiddler on the roof @ Theater Aachen
Music: Jerry Bock
Conductor: Justus Thorau
Stage Director: Ewa Teilmans
Set and costume: Andreas Becker
Choreography: Hakan T. Aslan
Dramaturgy: Michael Schmitz-Aufterbeck
Role: Chava
November 24, Theater Aachen, Aachen
October 2
Fiddler on the roof @ Theater Aachen
Music: Jerry Bock
Conductor: Justus Thorau
Stage Director: Ewa Teilmans
Set and costume: Andreas Becker
Choreography: Hakan T. Aslan
Dramaturgy: Michael Schmitz-Aufterbeck
Role: Chava
October 12, Theater Aachen, Aachen
October 17, Theater Aachen, Aachen
October 31, Theater Aachen, Aachen
Zangers en Acteurs
Composer: G. Benda
Libretto: J. C. Brandes
Musica Poëtica o.l.v. Jörn Boysen
Michal Bitan, Ariadne
João Luis Paixão, Theseus
October 29, Koninklijke Schouwburg, Den Haag
September 2017
@ OudeMuziek Festival Utrecht
Lecture demonstration: João Paixão
Jörn Boysen, fortepiano
Michal Bitan, soprano & declamation
September 3, TivoliVredenburg, Hertz, Utrecht
Melodrama: Ariadne auf Naxos
Composer: G. Benda
Libretto: J. C. Brandes
Musica Poëtica o.l.v. Jörn Boysen
Michal Bitan, Ariadne
João Luis Paixão, Theseus
September 10 (Lecture demonstration!), Kasteel Duivenvoorde, Voorschoten
September 17, 15.30, Kasteel Duivenvoorde, Voorschoten
June 2017
Fiddler on the roof @ Theater Aachen
Music: Jerry Bock
Conductor: Justus Thorau
Stage Director: Ewa Teilmans
Set and costume: Andreas Becker
Choreography: Hakan T. Aslan
Dramaturgy: Michael Schmitz-Aufterbeck
Role: Chava
June 5, Theater Aachen, Aachen
Telemanns Vuur
Musica Poëtica o.l.v. Jörn Boysen
Michal Bitan, soprano
João Luis Paixão, baritone
June 9, Pro Rege, Rotterdam
June 11, Koninklijk Schouwburg, The Hague
May 2017
Fiddler on the roof @ Theater Aachen
Music: Jerry Bock
Conductor: Justus Thorau
Stage Director: Ewa Teilmans
Set and costume: Andreas Becker
Choreography: Hakan T. Aslan
Dramaturgy: Michael Schmitz-Aufterbeck
Role: Chava
May 1, Theater Aachen, Aachen
May 7, Theater Aachen, Aachen
May 21, Theater Aachen, Aachen
April 2017
Fiddler on the roof @ Theater Aachen
Music: Jerry Bock
Conductor: Justus Thorau
Stage Director: Ewa Teilmans
Set and costume: Andreas Becker
Choreography: Hakan T. Aslan
Dramaturgy: Michael Schmitz-Aufterbeck
Role: Chava
April 2, Theater Aachen, Aachen
April 17, Theater Aachen, Aachen
April 29, Theater Aachen, Aachen
March 2017
Fiddler on the roof @ Theater Aachen
Music: Jerry Bock
Conductor: Justus Thorau
Stage Director: Ewa Teilmans
Set and costume: Andreas Becker
Choreography: Hakan T. Aslan
Dramaturgy: Michael Schmitz-Aufterbeck
Role: Chava
March 4, Theater Aachen, Aachen
March 23, Theater Aachen, Aachen
'Tis now dead Night' CD PRESENTATION
A Dialogue on a Kiss early music ensemble
Michal Bitan, soprano
Earl Christy, lute
March 11, 16.00, The American Protestant Church, The Hague
March 17, 20.00, Oude-Katholieke kerk, Delft
February 2017
Melodrama: Ariadne auf Naxos
Composer: G. Benda
Libretto: J. C. Brandes
Musica Poëtica o.l.v. Jörn Boysen
Michal Bitan, Ariadne
João Luis Paixão, Theseus
February 5, 11.00, Koninklijk Schouwburg, The Hague
February 5, 15.00, Koninklijk Schouwburg, The Hague
Fiddler on the roof @ Theater Aachen
Music: Jerry Bock
Conductor: Justus Thorau
Stage Director: Ewa Teilmans
Set and costume: Andreas Becker
Choreography: Hakan T. Aslan
Dramaturgy: Michael Schmitz-Aufterbeck
Role: Chava
February 12, Theater Aachen, Aachen
February 17, Theater Aachen, Aachen
February 24, Theater Aachen, Aachen
Ovidius' Metamorphosis in de Franse Cantatas
The Consort of 18th Century Harmony
Michal Bitan, soprano
João Paixao, baritone
Pawel Miczka, violin
Evan Buttar, cello
João Carlos Santos, traverso
Fernando Aguado, harpsichord
Februari 19, 16.00, Museum Vlaardingen
January 2017
Fiddler on the roof @ Theater Aachen
Music: Jerry Bock
Conductor: Justus Thorau
Stage Director: Ewa Teilmans
Set and costume: Andreas Becker
Choreography: Hakan T. Aslan
Dramaturgy: Michael Schmitz-Aufterbeck
Role: Chava
January 7, Theater Aachen, Aachen
January 20, Theater Aachen, Aachen
January 31, Theater Aachen, Aachen
Melodrama: Ariadne auf Naxos
Composer: G. Benda
Libretto: J. C. Brandes
Musica Poëtica o.l.v. Jörn Boysen
Michal Bitan, Ariadne
João Luis Paixão, Theseus
January 27, Pro Rege, Rotterdam
05-Dec / Collaborations-Historical Acting-MUSICA POËTICA / 1 COMMENTS
Good Monday people! Our first teaser trailer for “Ariadne auf Naxos” by Chrisiaan de Roo, has finally come out- so I can share it with you all. Working on this piece of music theater has been on my wish list for some time now, so as it develops I’ll try ...
READ MORE28-Nov / Tis now dead Night CD / 1 COMMENTS
Earl Christy and I are happy to announce that our ‘Tis now dead Night cd along with its’ beautiful artwork is off to the printer. Fingers crossed, we’ll have it in our hands for Sinterklaas. This time frame turns out to be a bit symbolic for us, since it’s during ...
READ MORE22-Nov / Collaborations-Historical Acting-Koninklijke Schouwburg Den Haag-MUSICA POËTICA / 4 COMMENTS
This season has quite a few gems in store, and one of the most anticipated projects for me is none other than Benda’s “Ariadne auf Naxos” with the Musica Poëtica orchestra lead by Jörn Boysen- Fenruary 5th @ the Koninklijke Schouwburg Den Haag. This time I’ll be owning the role ...
READ MORE25-Oct / Collaborations-Tis now dead Night CD / 1 COMMENTS
This week, among other projects in the baking, Earl Christy and I will be final proofreading our ‘Tis now dead Night cd booklet. When that’s done, fingers crossed, we can go to print! I am so chuffed with the beautiful design by Vered Bitan and the striking images by Berbera ...
Happy Monday everyone! Just got my hands on the official photos from “Fiddle on the roof” at Theater Aachen taken by the formidable Carl Brunn. I am still floored by how he managed to translate the emotion on stage into these frames. Have a look and let me know what ...
Now that I am back home for some weeks from the great experience of working in Aachen, I think it’s time to put some not very social media type thoughts out there. 1. Work in a theater is so wonderfully addictive. The energy, the people, the huge operation working ...
Last Saturday I saw my first play in German. That’s one of the great things of working in a theater, if you want, you can get immersed in the happenings of such a place. Two members of our Fiddler cast were playing in Die Radikalisierung Bradley Manning, and I went ...
First week in Aachen is up, and I’m back home for less than 24 hours. I went home basically to hug my man and my cat, and go back. Aachen is not that far from home, but far enough that I already know I won’t be making the trip on ...
READ MORE26-May / Tis now dead Night CD / 1 COMMENTS
Boys and girls, Ladies and Gentlemen! A week of mixing of our ‘Tis now dead Night’ CD has successfully come to an end. This is a great moment for a long overdue video! As preparation for our recording, and to make the most of the two worlds of both composer ...
04-Apr / 1 COMMENTS
Last February I had the pleasure to perform with one of the best orchestras in The Netherlands: Musica Poëtica, directed by Jörn Boysen at the Royal Schouwburg. The programme Zangers en Acteurs, part of their 4 part new series at the theater, was based on real 18 century singers who ...
mob tel.: +31 623 013 877
email: info@michalbitan.com