

02-Feb / Collaborations / 0 COMMENTS

Sisterhood , Ada Rothenberg

Sisterhood , Ada Rothenberg

The cold is only now getting to my part of Europe. Not that it’s really cold yet, but coming from the Middle East, this counts as winter. I’ve been missing Israel a lot in the past weeks. Along with its’ January surprise hot waves, I miss my family and friends and the different ways of approaching things- like making a big fuss over little rain 🙂


I decided to dedicate this post to a photo shoot that was taken when I was still in Jerusalem. The artist Ada Rothenberg took photos of my sister and I with the initial wish incorporated them into book covers which she designed at the time. The result was the exhibition “SISTERHOOD” featuring us in her photos and paintings. I love looking at them because to me they reflect an Israeli type of esthetics. There is something raw and truthful about them, as well as familiar and warm. Oh, I have to warn you, the exhibition was from that time in my life where I had G.I. Jane hair 😉
Have a look:




Sisterhood, Ada Rothenberg

Sisterhood, Ada Rothenberg


Sisterhood , Ada Rothenberg

Sisterhood, Ada Rothenberg


Sisterhood, Ada Rothenberg

Sisterhood, Ada Rothenberg


Sisterhood, Ada Rothenberg

Sisterhood, Ada Rothenberg


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